Night Cruise


An eye-friendly😎 dark theme for Visual Studio Code.

Carefully designed by programmer's point of view for day and night coding🤘.


overview screenshot



Human kind have long been staring at the night-sky🌙, across any civilizations you can enumerate.

The core idea💡 of this theme is to implement the familiar night-sky vision so that the theme is naturally eye-friendly😎, without any distractions and cognitive overloads🧠.

Implementation is also carefully done with programmer's point of view🤖, so that colors are syntactically meaningful✨ and easy to distinguish between one another🚥.

Do you still want to keep staring at your theme just aimed at:

  • being dark.

  • being colorful for the sake of being colorful.

  • using designer's favourite colors, sacrificing rich coding experience.

If not, this theme could be your solution.👍



Deep blue. non-stimulative color.

Accent Colors

Lighter blue than that of background. Some colors are close to purple.



Deeper than UI blue.(easy to distinguish from other UI components)


Light gray. Not too bright, yet still easy to read.

language based keywords

Light blue. language based keywords are always predictable.


This alternative color intends to distinguish from the other light blue, while still managing to stay lower than the main gold.

User defined keywords

Gold. This is the core part. A-star-in-the-night-sky-like gold. Your eyes are not catching those characters, but the colors are catching your eyes. This coloring by its nature makes it easier for you to face the display through the night.